Last week’s post mentioned free web hosting available for affiliates of the United Synagogue for Conservative Judaism. Fortunately, there is a parallel offering for affiliates of the Union for Reform Judaism (URJ).
Visit the Marketing and Communications page on the URJ site, and scroll down a bit to the section entitled Websites. There you can read a description of an offering named RJ Builder. Interestingly (at least to the Geek community, of which your author counts as an enthusiastic member), RJ Builder apparently uses a content management system named Joomla–not as widely-used as WordPress, but no slouch when it comes to capabilities.
From the Frequently Asked Questions, the reader can be comforted that “RJ WebBuilder 2.0 is offered as a benefit of membership in the URJ, at no additional cost.”
If you’re a member of an affiliated congregation, I would encourage you to at least inquire of your temple or synagogue what they’re spending on web hosting. There are free and low-cost options available.
If you’d like some free advice on technical matters such as these, feel free to fire off an email using the form below.