Our newest feature, Bulk Billing, comes into play when you want to create many receivable transactions, for the same amount, in the same category.
Probably the most typical example would be a pledge drive. Let’s say you have a standard membership of $1000 and a Young Member rate of $300. With ShalomCloud, you can designate memberships by billing status, by family attributes, or by some combination. Then, using this feature, you can create pledges with just a few mouse clicks.
Or, let’s say you’re accepting orders for sets of Lulav and Etrog. Accordingly, you could create a family attribute called, fittingly, “Ordered Lulav and Etrog.” As the orders come in, you could simply assign that attribute to the respective families. When the ordering period closes, you could use the Bulk Billing feature to create a receivable for each order, all at once.
Here’s a video (3m, 25s) that shows how this feature works.
ShalomCloud Bulk Billing from Norman Snyder on Vimeo.