
Record Yahrzeit dates, and relationships among Yahrzeits and synagogue members.


  • Maintains Yahrzeit information, by entering the name, Gregorian date of death, and a flag for before or after sunset. System looks up and stores the corresponding Hebrew date.  Optionally carries maiden name and Hebrew name.
  • Accepts spreadsheet upload for entering many Yahrzeits at once.
  • Associates Yahrzeits with families who committed an entry in a Book of Remembrance.
  • For those congregations who offer Yahrzeit plaques, the system records the plaque location. This is useful for efficient maintenance of the Yahrzeit lamps, often associated with the Yarhzeit commemoration.
  • Associates Yahrzeits to the members of the congregation.  As a result, when you ask the system something like, “What Yahrzeits occur in the next two weeks?” it shows, not only the Yahrzeits themselves,  but also relationships to congregants.
  • You can designate, by related party, whether the notification should be by Hebrew date, by Gregorian date, or not at all.
  • Can send instant email to members associated with Yahrzeits.
  • Can send formatted letters to members associated with Yahrzeits.
  • Produces lists intended to be read from the Bimah–either by Hebrew date, Gregorian date, or a single consolidated list.