Have you considered QuickBooks Online?

Apparently many synagogues use QuickBooks for their general ledger, with their chosen synagogue software acting as a subledger feeding into QuickBooks periodically.  While many synagogue leaders understand the benefits of cloud-based synagogue management software, they often cling to desktop-based accounting software.  This is non-optimal.

Perhaps it’s not widely known that a cloud-based version of QuickBooks, dubbed QuickBooks Online, provides that freedom from being tied to a specific computer, and the attendant safety of not being subject to hard drive crashes, et al.

Yet the benefits go farther.  QuickBooks Online offers a real-time, cloud-to-cloud way to post your financial activity.  That’s right–no download, no import, no delay.  Your financials would be current with the numbers housed within your synagogue management software.  With many, especially smaller, synagogues dependent on volunteers to track financials, this immediate update, requiring no manual effort, would

  • save hours of effort
  • provide a greater degree of accuracy
  • alleviate timing and reconciliation issues between the general ledger and your synagogue management software.

Should the reader have any questions on how this integration works, feel free to drop me a line.