Logged-in users can now do a search in the member portal
For background, please review these articles about the member portal.
- Introducing the member portal
- Member portal financials
- Adding people to your family
- Setting up the member portal
We are now announcing something new–the ability to search for people in your congregation.
To run a search in the member portal, you’ll see a new button labeled “Member Search.” When you click that button, you’ll see a form with last name and first name. You can enter either or both. For example, if you enter just “Ann” in the first name, it’ll find everyone whose first name is Ann, Anne, Annette, etc.
The system will tell you how many people matched your search, Then, on each line, you’ll see first name, last name, cell phone, email, and address. Also, on each line, there’s a checkbox to see additional family members.
If you, as a member, do not wish your cell phone or email to appear, you can edit your information to keep those facts private. Or, you may also contact your temple administrator, who can also mark it private.
As a reminder–members can edit their own information. Names, addresses, phone numbers, occupation, birthdays, anniversaries. And that anything edited by members on the member portal goes directly into ShalomCloud.
Here are two videos on this topic. The first shows this feature on a laptop screen. The second shows how it looks on a smart phone.