If you track your religious school enrollment within ShalomCloud, you can now take advantage of the end-of-school-year promotion process.
In order to use this action, you’d want to make sure that your grade levels are set up. One typical example would be 1 = Alef, 2 = Bet, 3 = Gimel, etc. You’d want to ensure, above all, that the grade levels are numeric and consecutive.
We typically upload your current student population during the conversion process, rather than your having to enter them student by student.
With those setup items complete, to run the end-of-school-year promotion process, you’d go to Maintenance => Promote to next grade level. The system does pause to confirm that you want to take this action. If you reply OK, you’ll see a screen, with each student’s new grade level, and any errors that occurred.
Here’s a video illustrating the end to end promotion process.