Most of the time, you can reach most of your community by email. However, there will likely be some folks who either do not have an email address, or simply prefer paper mail. How can you conveniently distinguish the paper-mail audience?
ShalomCloud now offers two different features geared toward the above. First, we’ve added to the member query a check box to select those people who lack an email address:
Second–when you’re producing the so-called “turnaround document”–if you send a paper document to everyone, then this feature will not matter.
But–if you primarily send the turnaround document by email, you’ll see a way to reach the non-email members.
This is important to know–on the turnaround document, if you select “no email only,” that means that no one in the family has an email address. Why?–a couple of reasons. First of all, if anyone in the family has an email address, that household would have received the email version of the document. Secondly, it is commonly the case that children may not have their email addresses loaded–and we wouldn’t want those families bombarded with redundant communications.