Bimah List .
ShalomCloud has offered, from the beginning, a way to pull Yahrzeits by a variety of selection criteria. You could pull lists by by name, by related member, by Gregorian date range, by Hebrew date range. You could even pull a list of Yahrzeits where there is no related member.
Moreover, from the list, you could create emails to the related persons, or create hard-copy letters to those same folks.
Finally, you could export the list to a spreadsheet, and perhaps use that spreadsheet to format and print a document to read from the Bimah during Shabbat services.
We are announcing an added convenience–the ability to create a ready-made list, expressly meant to be read from the Bimah.
There are a few options when generating the Bimah list:
- By Hebrew date or Gregorian date.
- From and to dates.
- Group the list by day or by week (for example, if you make the announcements weekly, and perhaps have a daily Minyan, you’d probably want to group the list by day. On the other hand, if you have services twice a month, you may want a monthly list, grouped by week).
- Include or not include the relationships on the list.
- Print the list (or save to a file), after you see it on the screen.
Here’s a video that shows a couple of ways to create the Bimah List.