New Selection on Statements

There is now a new selection on statements, namely a “not” attribute. In our quest to continually provide you with more flexibility, we’ve rolled out quite a few more options for producing periodic statements, over the years. To summarize here, those options have included: This is yet another of those incremental improvements. In regard to … Continue reading New Selection on Statements

More control, more variety — choose your email template for statements

If you send monthly/quarterly statements by email, this may interest you. Prior to now, you needed an email template, specifically named “send_statement_link.” Now, you’ll see a drop-down box, that lets you choose your email template for statements. This may be useful in a couple of circumstances, such as: If you want to distinguish the statement … Continue reading More control, more variety — choose your email template for statements

New Option to Suppress Detail on Statements

The ShalomCloud statements, by default, show amounts charged, amounts credited, the balance, AND the individual payments that sum to the amounts credited. If you (or your audience), find that listing the individual payments are clutter, or are confusing, you now have the option to suppress that detail. Here’s a before-and-after snippet: Default, in effect today: … Continue reading New Option to Suppress Detail on Statements

Credit balances now on statements

We call it, officially, “credit on file.” Sometimes referred to as pre-payments. These are funds sent in ahead of time, to be used in the future, as specified by your congregants. We at ShalomCloud had conceived the periodic (monthly, quarterly, annually) statements as something geared to commitments, and then payments toward those commitments. However, as … Continue reading Credit balances now on statements

Now available — select which categories to include on periodic statements.

ShalomCloud now has the ability to send statements, for specific categories that you select. Until now, every statement was all-in. That is, it showed everything owed per family. Thus, you could not produce a statement for religious-school only, or cemetery-only. Now, you can select one or more categories to appear. To see a short (3m … Continue reading Now available — select which categories to include on periodic statements.

Running Statements

Running statements can tie up your screen for much more than a few seconds. In fact, if statements take more than two minutes, you’ll see a message about a Gateway timeout. In order to avoid this, we are now processing statements as a background job. What does this mean to you? First of all, as … Continue reading Running Statements

Option in the Periodic Statements

There’s a new option in the periodic statements. That is, if you use the financial capabilities of ShalomCloud, you’ll see two sections in the statements. The upper part shows owed items and anything paid against them; while below that is an area of recent payments. If you choose, you can now exclude the lower portion. … Continue reading Option in the Periodic Statements

Tax Statements by Email

You can now send links to your memberships’ tax statements by email. For some time, ShalomCloud could send tax statements by printed letter. As with the periodic statements, you can now send links by email to your members. By accessing the link, each member can see, print, or download the tax statement. There are two … Continue reading Tax Statements by Email

Statements by Email

We now have the ability to send statements by email. Taking our cue from banks and brokerages, we’ve opted not to send the actual statement by email. Instead, we send a rather long link that, when selected, takes the congregant directly into that family’s statement. There are a few very simple setup steps: Make an … Continue reading Statements by Email

Not Just One, but Many — on Statement Runs

Modest change here — having to do with your periodic statements. One of the selection criteria on statement runs had been the ability to select all families, or one family: With this change, you can now select multiple families or all: Probably the most advantageous circumstance where this would be useful is this: Suppose you … Continue reading Not Just One, but Many — on Statement Runs