Not one, not all, but a selection– the shopping cart

Now available with the ShalomCloud shopping cart — grouping of items. Until now, there were two styles of links or buttons that you could put onto your web site, or into email. You could provide a link to all available items; or you could provide a link to a single item. We now offer the … Continue reading Not one, not all, but a selection– the shopping cart

Direct Link — Member Portal to Shopping Cart

Now available — a direct link from the member portal to the shopping cart. Some basics — if you’re unfamiliar with the member portal, it might help to view this video. The ShalomCloud shopping cart provides a way for your community to purchase items (including zero-cost items), and sign up for events. Examples include Shabbat … Continue reading Direct Link — Member Portal to Shopping Cart

Include More Info in the Shopping Cart

We have one new wrinkle to announce, concerning the ShalomCloud shopping cart. Until now, the items in the shopping cart consisted of the name of the item, a description, and a price. (By the way, that price could be zero, or could be user-determined). All well and good. But — what if you needed to … Continue reading Include More Info in the Shopping Cart

ShalomCloud shopping cart: Now with user-determined prices

Until now, the ShalomCloud shopping cart contained strictly fixed-price items. Shabbat dinners, Lulav and Etrog sets, classes (whether free or not) are some examples. However, sometimes you’ll have a set of prices for an event, perhaps with various sponsorship levels. Aha, but if anyone wanted to register for the event, but remit something above, or … Continue reading ShalomCloud shopping cart: Now with user-determined prices

Specific Item in the Shopping Cart

You now have the ability to point a link or button to a specific item in the shopping cart. ShalomCloud has offered a shopping cart for some time now. That enables simple event registration, and the purchase of fixed-priced items. That could be classes, high holiday tickets, Hamantaschen, Siddurim–really anything with a price, including zero. … Continue reading Specific Item in the Shopping Cart

Shopping Cart Tutorial

This shopping cart tutorial provides instruction on how to set up and use the ShalomCloud shopping cart. First, a couple of ground rules. If you don’t see the menu options for the cart, we’ll need to set a certain flag. Also, using the shopping cart depends on your organization using the services of our preferred … Continue reading Shopping Cart Tutorial

Customize Your Member Portal: Show and Hide Buttons

This change gives you more control over which buttons appear in the logged in member portal. If you’re unfamiliar with the member portal, here is a series of articles about it. In brief, it gives your folks the ability to: This specific change is rather narrow in scope, actually. It gives you finer control over … Continue reading Customize Your Member Portal: Show and Hide Buttons

Now Available — Add/Change/Delete Purchase History

Until this change, the ShalomCloud shopping cart purchase history relied solely on purchases made online. You had no way to change those records. So, if someone accidentally signed up twice, or signed up and later informed you that they could not attend, you had no way to update that data. Your record counts would be … Continue reading Now Available — Add/Change/Delete Purchase History

Announcing a new, more granular authorization

This post announces a new, more granular authorization — namely one specifically for handling items in the ShalomCloud shopping cart. First of all, some background. If you’re not familiar with the ShalomCloud shopping cart, please review this handful of articles. Some more background. ShalomCloud controls access to its major functions by means of a set … Continue reading Announcing a new, more granular authorization

Automated Emails to Contributors

ShalomCloud now creates automated emails to contributors. Well, not only contributors, but also people paying any kind of commitment. And, also, payments made from the ShalomCloud shopping cart. Some background: originally, ShalomCloud was strictly a back-office utility. Appropriately, it tracked membership, Yahrzeits, and commitments and payments. Primarily, office personnel recorded those payments, most of which … Continue reading Automated Emails to Contributors