Now up to you — accept or disallow recurring contributions

It’s now your choice — either to accept, or to disallow, recurring contributions from the public portal. On the publicly-facing payment/contribution page, you may have noticed an option to make a recurring contribution. This is analogous to what you’ll see on many charitable organizations, such as Shriners Hospital and Red Cross. Those organizations, like ShalomCloud, … Continue reading Now up to you — accept or disallow recurring contributions

Allocate Recurring Payments

We now offer the ability to allocate recurring payments. That is, within a single payment, to specify exactly what to apply to any and all outstanding items. Thus, you can now pay against categories such as pledges, school tuition, and a security fee, concurrently. A little background: When we first rolled out recurring payments, the … Continue reading Allocate Recurring Payments

Recurring Payments Waterfall

Now available — the ability to change the recurring payments waterfall. What do we mean by the term “waterfall?” Like water descending from a high plateau, we’re referring to the order in which payments are applied against owed items. As a result of this change, you may now alter the course of the waterfall (to … Continue reading Recurring Payments Waterfall

Recurring Payments in the Member Portal

ShalomCloud now offers the ability to create recurring payments in the member portal. By way of background — we have for some time offered the following capabilities, once a congregant logs in: Maintain own family’s demographic information See yahrzeits related to any member of the family Add a member to the family Pull a statement … Continue reading Recurring Payments in the Member Portal

Recurring Payments

There’s a new feature available in regard to recurring payments. Previously, there were only two time periods for recurring payments–weekly or monthly. Now, though, you can specify the number of weeks or months between payments. For example, if you specify a month-type payment, but with an interval of 3, that charge will happen every 3 … Continue reading Recurring Payments

Recurring Payments Capability Added

We have broadened our payments function to include recurring payments.  There are some rather sophisticated ideas implemented herein: Validates the card information immediately Shows you all the unpaid items for a selected family Drag and drop(!) the order in which you’d like to pay the outstanding items (thus establishing a waterfall). Select a payment frequency … Continue reading Recurring Payments Capability Added

Customize Your Member Portal: Show and Hide Buttons

This change gives you more control over which buttons appear in the logged in member portal. If you’re unfamiliar with the member portal, here is a series of articles about it. In brief, it gives your folks the ability to: This specific change is rather narrow in scope, actually. It gives you finer control over … Continue reading Customize Your Member Portal: Show and Hide Buttons

Credits on File

This is a tutorial on the subject of credit on file. Credits on file are funds that you’re holding to be applied later. There are two main ways that these funds originate: One way is typically toward the end of a calendar year. Somebody might send in a check, typically for tax purposes. Their intent is to instruct you in months to come, where to apply those funds; perhaps after the next pledge campaign, for example. More frequently, though, is the … Continue reading Credits on File

Installment Billing

ShalomCloud now offers installment billing By way of explanation — typically, after a pledge drive, or school signups, you’ll record what each family owes. The most direct way to handle those charges, is to book an amount owed per category. For example, $1800 for a pledge, or $500 for religious school. You can include an … Continue reading Installment Billing