Now Your Choice — Who Receives Email Donation Acknowledgements

When producing donation acknowledgements by email, you may have noticed that the recipient seemed arbitrary. May have been adult 1…may have been adult 2.

With this change, you can choose, based on the field we call “role within family.”

How does that work? Under Configuration -> Roles Within Family, you likely will see something like this:

Role within familyDisplay order
Minor child60ShowEditDestroy
Adult Child62ShowEditDestroy

With this change, the person attached to the role with the lowest numbered display order will receive the acknowledgement email (provided, of course, that an email exists for the individual).

Here’s a video showing how this works. The video also shows how to view and change those roles.

By the way, the video mentions a technique to acknowledge several contributions from one screen. If you’re not familiar with that capability, please review this blog article.