We’ve expanded on the already-available, but not widely publicized, ability for ShalomCloud to manage the process of assigning honors. This pertains primarily to the High Holidays, but could be used for any set of honors.
There a detailed tutorial available, which may serve better than this text description. Nonetheless, here goes. With this feature, you can
- Nominate people to carry out various honors.
- Track the status — accepted in person, accepted virtually, declined — whatever terminology you’re accustomed to using.
- When assigning honors, ask for a specific last name, or by anyone who has not already been assigned an honor.
- Obtain a spreadsheet, with contact information, of who has not received an honor.
And on the query side,
- Obtain a list of honors for which there is no assigned person.
- Ask for those who have been offered an honor, but who have not yet responded.
- From that list, send formatted emails, with the specifics about the respective honor.
- Obtain a list of those who have accepted an honor, and email a formatted reminder, replete with details about the honor.