More Choices for your Tax Letters

With tax season just around the corner, you may be interested in one new tax letter option.

Previously, when you produced tax letters, you had the option to include what we call “source of funds.” Meaning the check number, or last four digits of the card, or some bank account info. You could also omit that column, and simply show the date, the category, and the amount.

If you’d like to view a basic tax letter tutorial, please visit this link.

What’s new? One new choice — instead of the source of funds, you can now choose to show the transaction description — typically phrases such as “in memory of” or “in honor of.”

By the way, this option holds, whether you print and mail the tax letters, or choose to send them via a personalized link in emails.

tax letter option
Tax letter option — show description

Here’s a video depicting this option in action.