You can now search financial transactions using a wildcard, or key-word, for the category.
Especially for those of you converting from a legacy system, you may find yourself with hundreds of financial categories. Worse, the naming convention may have differed from year to year, especially if the fiscal year was part of the category name. We’ve seen lists such as
- 18-19 Senior Dues
- 2018-19 Dues
- 2018-2019 School tuition
- Young couple dues, 2018-19
With that sort chaos in the naming convention, it’s time consuming to try pinpointing several related categories in a sorted list.
With today’s change, you can merely type a keyword or phrase into an area labeled Category wildcard.

When accompanied by fiscal year, this gives you a powerful and quick way to focus on a set of transactions in related categories.
Feel free to enjoy this short (3m 26s) video, demonstrating this ability to search financial transactions using a wildcard in the category.