Non-logged-in portal
The contribution portal has added a smarter search for contributors who might be Temple members.
What do we mean by that? First of all, if you watch the video about the non-logged-in portal, you’ll have the background for this post. Regardless, let’s squeeze an explanation into a few sentences.
The non-logged-in portal accepts payments and contributions without needing a login. Its biggest advantage–it can identify contributors who are Temple members. That saves your admin the time of looking up contributors, and manually making entries.
Prior to this change, the portal did a look-up based on email address alone. If it didn’t find the email address, it created a Family record.
With this change, the portal tries a few other techniques to find the user. We shan’t go into the details here. Let it be known, though, that we’re using more fields entered into the contribution form–with the goal of doing better on finding known contributors.
One other point–suppose that, despite the “smarter” search, the system can’t find the giver, and creates a family record like Smith-1. Later, you discover this was actually Smith, and you’d like to merge the Smith-1 activity into Smith. There has been a screen to move that money in one fell swoop. In addition, we’ve now added a check box to delete the Smith-1 record.

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