Two New Fields for Member Records

We have added middle name and suffix to the fields available on the individual person records:

These fields are also available for update in the user portal.  Moreover, with the recent addition of the audit trail, synagogue administrators can now find the source of every update–the who, what, and when of updates to any of the family/member information.


Audit Trail

ShalomCloud now captures an audit trail of changes and deletions to certain critical portions of data–initially, Yahrzeits, Families, and Individuals.  This video shows how it works:

ShalomCloud Audit Trail from Norman Snyder on Vimeo.

In a nutshell, the audit trail captures when the change occurred, by whom, what changed, a version number, and the content of each changed field both before and after the change.

On deletions, it captures the entire record that was deleted–thus enabling you to re-add a record if it were inadvertently deleted.