Households by Date Joined

Suppose you want to know

  • which families have joined your Temple during the current fiscal year; or
  • which families have belonged to your synagogue for at least ten years.

There is now a way to pull that data (and export it to spreadsheet).

This three-minute video shows how.

ShalomCloud Query by Date Joined from Norman Snyder on Vimeo.

Labels–Starting Where You Wish

Suppose you’ve printed several labels, and now have a few more to print, for a selected audience.  You’d like to start where you left off, rather than inserting a whole new sheet of labels.

For example, suppose you’ve asked the system for a list of Board members:


Now, you want to print labels for this audience–and the latest sheet of labels used the first row and the first label of the second row–a total of four labels.

Simply change the starting label number to 5:


The result will be a sheet that looks like this:


Next time printing labels, you’d start with 12.